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How to Select the Right Window Film Solution for Your Home

February 10, 2020

Are you seeking natural light without the harmful effects of UV rays? Or do you wish to add a protective layer to your windows to protect them from scratches and damage?

If the answer is yes, you should consider getting window film installed on your glass doors and windows. While most homeowners have blinds and curtains, window film can help give you an additional layer of protection. Window film can also be installed on glass doors and windows either internally or externally. At U.S. Film Crew, we offer homeowners a variety of residential window films, whether it’s for privacy, security, sun protection, or decorative purposes.

In this article, we’ve outlined the various types of residential window film to help homeowners determine how to select window film. Before you make a decision, please consider the following points below:

1. Is the Installation Temporary or Permanent?

The first thing you need to figure out is what type of window film you need. We offer both temporary or permanent window film. Temporary films can be easily removed or changed depending on your requirements. They are suitable for particular seasons and/or if your taste tends to shift over time. Permanent films are installed with the intent of longer usage and provide better sealing to the glass surface. Most permanent window films typically last for 10-15 years.

2. What is the Purpose of Getting Window Film Installed?

The next thing you need to figure out is the purpose of the window film installation. A window film can be installed for various reasons such as privacy or security, blocking heat and UV rays, or aesthetics. Let’s explore each of these purposes:

Privacy and Security Reasons

Window films for privacy are generally available with a mirrored or frosted effect. These films restrict the inner view of the room from outsiders but allow you to see what’s happening on the outside. Privacy films are particularly useful when you live near a busy street and are concerned about your privacy. Security window film is designed to provide safety from thefts, accidents, and the unexpected surprises of mother nature. Many of our safety window films also include heat resistance and UV blocking technology.

Protection From Heat and UV Rays

If UV rays, heat, and glare are on your list of concerns, then you should consider solar window film. Our residential solar film reflect heats, reduces glare, blocks UV rays, and improves the overall comfort level of any room. Different window film companies offer films with different percentages of UV blocking properties. Solar window film from U.S. Film Crew blocks between 90-99% of UV rays and significantly reduces room temperature while protecting your furniture and other furnishings from sunlight. Window film, regardless of the season, is useful in protecting your home’s interior from harmful sunlight.

Decorative & Aesthetic Purposes

Decorative window film is primarily used to enhance the appearance of any room. We offer many different options, everything from traditional to cutting edge designs, that can give a specific look to your room. Decorative films are easy to install and can be easily removed. Our decorative window films are also energy-efficient, reduce glare, and enhance comfort. These films are specially designed for glass stairwell panels, internal glass walls, glass window panes, and tinted door panels for entryways, kitchens, bathrooms, and offices. We also offer our customers specialty window films, which include Casper Cloaking and Bird Safety Film, if they would like to take it a step further.

3. What is your Budget?

Window film is generally affordable, but the quantity and film type will certainly influence the overall cost. We advise that you consult your local window film specialist on how to select window film, provide your budget and requirements, and have them provide you with a professional quote. Once the quote is finalized, you should inquire about the potential savings on your electricity and heating and cooling costs, and factor that in your potential cost savings.

Once you answer the questions above, getting window film installed in your home can be easily done. If you have any questions on how to select window film, please contact U.S. Film Crew today at 412-961-8468 and one of our residential window film experts will be happy to assist you!

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