Blinds have been a staple of modern windows for generations. Frankly, it would probably be more difficult to find a home without them on at least one or two windows. They work because of their versatility — they allow you to enjoy your privacy or enjoy the view, and they let you bask in natural light or shut it out. 


Still, there are some situations in which blinds are less than ideal.

Why Blinds Are a Thing of the Past

In many locations, especially commercial ones, blinds just don’t work very well with the overall aesthetic. There are privacy-related scenarios, meanwhile, where blinds simply aren’t practical, such as modern offices with sensitive conference rooms. They also require regular cleaning because they can get dusty quickly.


Whatever the reason, whether it’s a matter of space, light, cleanliness, or personal preference, there are a few excellent alternatives to blinds available on today’s market, and most of them are window film. Window films are low profile, spatially efficient, multi-purpose, and, above all, versatile. 


If you’re thinking of losing the blinds, here’s where you can start.

1. Decorative Window Film

Blinds are most often a functional choice more often than an aesthetic one. Decorative window film takes the aesthetic possibilities to the next level, allowing for personalized looks, professional tone, and even branding opportunities, all while preserving the spread of natural light. Instead of covering your windows, decorative film allows you to celebrate them.

2. Privacy Window Film

Privacy is one of the biggest considerations when deciding how to manage your windows, especially in environments like hospitals, and blinds are often used because they can deliver. Fortunately, there are even better ways to address this need without concerns of collecting dust or dirt.


Privacy window film is a variety designed specifically to provide the same level of privacy as blinds or curtains without cluttering up limited space. Available in various levels of opacity and reflectivity, these offer a customizable solution to the age-old problem of privacy in both residential and commercial locations.

3. Solar Control Window Film

Another essential function of blinds is their ability to control light — and, to a certain extent, heat — in a space. Solar control window film was created to tackle both of these elements. Through tinting, reflectivity, and UV-filtering technology, solar control window film prevents glares, mitigates heat, and blocks approximately 99% of harmful UV rays from entering your windows, all while preserving your view.

4. Switchable Smart Film

In addition to the more traditional window film options, switchable smart film offers a cutting-edge alternative to blinds by addressing privacy concerns in an innovative and modern fashion. The film is created with a special polymer matrix — a substance that can change in real time when stimulated with an electric current.


With the flip of a switch, you can transition your film from transparent to opaque and back again, all while retaining the natural light you hold dear. It’s a versatile solution for homes, offices, and conference rooms.

Explore More Alternatives to Blinds With U.S. Film Crew

Ready to drop the blinds and upgrade your windows with the modern alternative they deserve? Here at U.S. Film Crew, we work to provide homes and businesses with dozens of options to address any window-related need, from privacy to energy efficiency. To learn more about window films from Pittsburgh’s most trusted installer, get in touch today for a free quote.

Step into the future with us. Contact U.S. Film Crew today.

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