Cutting costs and saving money is something that’s on the back of everyone’s mind, especially if you’re a homeowner with a big space to manage.

Today, the average American family spends up to around $22,666 a year, which works out to nearly $1,889 per month on bills alone. These costs only make up 20% of what a household may spend annually.

So how can you reduce home-related expenses, which include mounting utility costs?

One potentially ground-breaking solution is residential window film.

Window film can reduce your energy costs

Energy costs are rising every year, and the cost of cooling your home, or keeping it warm, can be especially expensive during summer and winter.

During the winter, window film can provide an insulation effect that retains the warmth generated by your heating systems. With lower levels of energy lost, it’s much easier to maintain a stable temperature without placing excessive pressure on your HVAC system to do its job.

During the summer, on the other hand, your cooling system may be working overtime to keep your climate cool and comfortable.

If your home is not powered by solar panels, having your cooling system work at maximum capacity will definitely result in higher electricity bills. An overworked system is also more likely to break down, adding hefty repair bills to your budget.

With window film, you can reduce heat from the sun by as much as 60% and slash your energy costs by 40%!

It’s a great alternative to specialty glass

Certain homeowners may give their homes an aesthetic or privacy upgrade by replacing regular windows, glass doors, and certain partitions with decorative or frosted glass. While decorative glass certainly does a great job, it’s not very cost-effective.

Window film, on the other hand, can give you the same benefits but with a much more affordable price tag.

Installing window film doesn’t require your glass surfaces to be replaced either and it can be fitted onto existing glass easily. Not only is this cost-effective, but it’s faster to do and is less intrusive too.

It’s an easy way to improve your security

An average of 2.5 million burglaries occurs annually in the United States, and glass doors and windows are easy entryways for thieves to steal your belongings and cause a host of other damages.

Glass surfaces are also easy targets for vandals who are intent on damaging and defacing your property.

Many modern homes use expensive home security systems to keep burglars and other criminals at bay. While these are surely effective, keeping out unwanted guests can be as easy as fortifying your home’s windows and glass doors.

Security window film, when applied to these surfaces, makes it harder for intruders to break into your home.

Apart from keeping out intruders, however, this type of window film can also make the glass in your home safer. The film prevents the glass from shattering into sharp pieces that may cause injury.

Even if it breaks, it will keep the shards together, making the glass crumple instead of shattering.

Window film can protect your furniture from fading

Ultraviolet rays from the sun aren’t just harmful to you and your loved ones—they can damage your furniture too! UV rays break down the chemical bonds in the fabric of the furniture, causing it to lose color over time.

Fading can greatly reduce the value of your furniture and if it becomes too extensive, you may need to replace it altogether.

Window film can protect your furniture from fading by blocking up to 99% of UV rays, helping you keep your furniture in pristine condition for much longer.

Residential window film is a cost-effective solution for the maintenance of your home

If you want to experience the benefits of residential window film yourself, get in touch with a well-reputed, professional window film installation company to discover your options and reap the perks of a professional installation!

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